From Apple Pay to Apple TV, Leveraging a Lack of Knowledge

As with Apple Pay, an Apple TV the data-sharing arrangement with the networks would not be possible — or at least less likely — if Apple had designs on monetizing those data itself, such as by establishing its own programmatic video ad platform. Once again, Apple is apparently willing to forgo its proprietary access to its user data in the interests of the broader ecosystem and its own strategic position within it. Read More …

FCC Unloads, Releases 313-page Report and Order on Net Neutrality

Should the rules survive legal challenge the fun would just be starting for the OTT business. The general conduct standard under which interconnection arrangements will be reviewed expressly exempts “reasonable network management” from liability. But exactly how, whether and when “reasonable network management” shades into “unreasonably disadvantage[ing]” an edge provider are the sort of devilish details that are likely to occupy a lot of FCC bandwidth in the future. Read More …