The tone for the 2015 Upfronts was set by NBC, with Linda Yaccarino shifting from calling television TV to Premium Video, a term also used repeatedly during Turner’s Upfront later in the week. The shift to a premium video definition is being driven by consumers moving away from watching on television sets and instead utilizing laptops, tablets and smartphones to consume increasing amounts of video content. Yet, we find the use of the word “premium” hard to digest, as it is increasingly difficult to distinguish premium from non-premium. Are Bethany Mota, Vice, Michelle Phan and PewDiePie non-premium simply because they are not native TV shows/personalities? If a brand’s goal is to move product off shelves or cars off lots, why should they care if the advertising airs in front of “premium” or non-premium content? Furthermore, there is an increasing level of engagement occurring with native, online content that does not exist in traditional television content, regardless of whether it is called TV or premium video.